Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Park Cleaning Plan

As I mentioned during my 2013 resolutions post earlier this week I would like to implement a cleaning schedule. Matt and I have two very different ideas about how to approach this task... I would like to do the following...

Matt would like us to do this...

I think that January will be our testing time to see what works best for our family. The first two weeks we will follow my calendar and the second two weeks we will follow Matt's... I will let you know what ends up working for our little family. Now that I look at both lists it will probably be a mixture of the two plans.

1 comment:

  1. I think Daily Duties are a must, once the habit is formed it wont seem like any extra time... I also think music it crucial! Cleaning can be fun, when you have the right soundtrack, and the distraction of TV isn't there. Good luck :)
