Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Nursery Diaries: Chapter 1

So I have LOVED reading Bryn Alexandra’s (one of my favorite bloggers) Nursery Diaries which is tracking the progress in the design of the nursery for her first child and I thought that I would also share our progress as we go for our third child and 2nd boy…
As you might remember last year I re-did our spare bedroom in the basement… 

This room is directly next to Hunter’s nursery and while our end game is for the two little men to share a room… we knew that at the start they would need separate places… so the spare bedroom is getting a bit of a make-over!
We decided to go with Matt’s Rocker Baby themed nursery that I shared originally, a few months back, here.

Well my original mood board has changed a bit thanks to IKEA and our desire to use what we have… I mean after all this space will only be temporary (MAX of 1 year… Little guy will move into a shared room with Hunter Man once he sleeps through the night)
So since we were dealing with a VERY full room already (which had admittedly become a dumping ground) step one was to CLEAR out all items that would NOT be staying… That meant finding a temporary home for our mattress (which is totally just propped up against the wall in the playroom currently… )

We also needed to get the walls painted because sea foam green doesn’t exactly scream ROCK STAR… I brought home about 15 different grey paint samples and immediately knew exactly which one I wanted… Martha Stewart Cement Gray!
Matt was not instantly sold on the color like I was… In fact he even uttered the SUPER ignorant words “Who paints walls gray?” HELLO EVERYONE MATTHEW JAMES!!! EVERYONE… don’t you read blogs! 
I am happy that I won the big paint debate because I think that the color looks great in the room!!!  

Now to put all the furniture in their new spaces… here is a diagram of what I’m thinking for the space & for Hunter’s as he will soon need to transition out of the crib and into a toddler bed…

The diagram is not to scale but you get the idea…

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