Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hunter is 18 weeks & update from 4 month appointment

Sorry this post is a little late... I wrote it on Wednesday but wanted to wait for our 4 month doctor appointment on Friday!

 (Hunter is not too enthusiastic about his weekly photo...)

WHAT WHAT... Little guy is 18 Weeks! Each week it just seems impossible that another week has gone by! It seems like Thanksgiving was just yesterday and that I was just starting to come back to work a few hours a day... and in reality that was almost two months ago and I'm back full time... How are we already in the middle of January. 

This is where we currently are at 18 weeks:

I think that I am back in my groove (working 8 hours a day) and we have a really great schedule that is working for my little family. I love that I go in early and that I am able to get off in time to pick up Emma from school and spend the afternoon with my kiddos.

I know that soon I will be asked to travel... my goal is to have Hunter at 6 months before I go on any trip. With breastfeeding exclusively it will be logistically difficult to be away for multiple days but we could manage... This may be TMI but I have managed to stockpile almost 300 ounces of "mommy gold" in our freezer. This has not been an easy task but I knew that with going back to work often times your milk supply will decrease and I also knew that at some point I will need to travel... so I'm sure it is no surprise to everyone that I am prepared. and if you think it is funny that I call it mommy gold... it really is like gold in my house... I've even cried about spilling and waisting an ounce. Maybe I'm crazy but this mama does not mess around with her little mans food!

As I stated above Hunter is exclusively on breast milk and he is a GREAT eater... as you can tell from his weekly photos! We are still waking up to eat in the middle of the night but luckily we are down to one feeding. 

Matt and I have done a lot of research on Baby-Led Weaning and discussed with our pediatrician this morning at our 4 month appointment. We are going to give it a try... will devote a post to this at a later date as we will hold off on introducing food for about a month.

Little guy is sleeping great! We are down between 9 and 9:30 at night and up for a feeding before I go to work at 4 or 5 a.m. After the feeding I put Hunter right back in his bed and he sleeps for Matt until 9 or 10 a.m.! 

SO great! Hunter also puts himself to sleep... right after our last feeding of the day Matt and I take Hunter downstairs, change his diaper, read, turn off lights, walk in the dark while I recite Goodnight Moon by heart, I sing a little song, and Hunter goes right down in his bed. It works for us... would have never worked for Emma... SHE WAS SOOO DIFFICULT! 


Reaching out for everything and putting everything in his little mouth! Loves to jump around. Can sit assisted and if he falls forward a little he can hold himself up on his hands. Still no rolling over but I really think that he will be doing belly to back any day now.

Doctor says that he is doing GREAT developmentally and that he is even strong for his age. Let me just tell you that Hunter was mesmerized by Dr. R during our appointment.


Height: 27 inches (99%)
Weight: 16lb 6oz (79%)
Head: 42cm (44%)

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